14th annual Hampton's Authors Night

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Celebrating Carmen, just a few days away from her 5th bday ?

A post shared by Hilaria Thomas Baldwin (@hilariabaldwin) on Aug 20, 2018 at 5:47am PDT

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas-Baldwin have four children together, plus Alec has a daughter, Ireland, from his first marriage. As soon as Alec and Hilaria got together, they’ve been crunking out babies as fast as they can. They now have four kids under the age of six, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Hilaria wants another one and/or is already pregnant. Hilaria has spoken before about how Alec is “old-school” about their marriage and parenting in general. “Old school” meaning that Hilaria and their team of nannies raise the children and Alec does whatever he wants. So, big surprise, I’ve never wondered if Alec is a good and giving husband. I’ve never wondered if they have a marriage of equals, where they share domestic responsibilities. Of course they don’t and of course he isn’t.

Alec has only cooked for her one time: “He has cooked one omelet for me in our entire relationship. It was actually very good. Alec Baldwin can make an omelet and he made one for me. It was before we got married and before we had kids. He’s not a cook. He can do it apparently, but I was amazed that he could make me a vegetable omelet.”

They don’t do romantic getaways anymore: “We cannot do that anymore, because I can’t bear to either leave my children or take them all on a plane trip when it doesn’t have anything to do with work because it’s so stressful. So we stay home a lot.”

The kids – Carmen, 5, Rafael, 3, Leonardo, 1 and Romeo, 3 months – are picky eaters: “All four of my children have different dietary needs right now. Rafa is the pickiest eater in the world, but as the pediatrician pointed out to me when I was worrying about it, the eight things that he eats, more or less, are all extremely healthy. It’s not french fries and grilled cheese sandwiches. He’s eating tofu and kale chips and pretzels and stuff like that. He won’t eat anything else. I realize that dinner time, bath time, and bed time is ‘roll your sleeves up, we can do this.’ Just get one foot in front of the other, it’s gonna be okay.”

She eats out of her own garden: “We’ve been eating lots of salads and grilled veggies and stuff like that, which has been so magical. And being New Yorkers, you order in a lot, but I do like to cook and it’s different everyday.” But she adds: “I’m still waiting for a second omelet.”

[From People]

There are some men who are helpless in the kitchen, truly, even though that’s such a dumb gender stereotype. It doesn’t sound like Alec is truly helpless in the kitchen – I bet he can do various simple things, like grilled cheese or heating up soup or making a good sauce or whatever. He just doesn’t do it because he’s 60 years old and he has no interest in making a meal for Hilaria. I would assume he also has no interest in helping Hilaria and the team of nannies with the kids whatsoever. He’s “old school,” which means he probably has no idea what his kids’ dietary needs are. Nor does he care that much. That’s Hilaria’s job, right?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.
14th annual Hampton's Authors Night