Lea Michele covers the “special wellness issue” of People Magazine, which is probably geared to all of us who want to shape up for the holidays now that the summer is over. The photo they chose of her for the cover looks a bit manic, but I guess that’s what passes for happy with a lot of people. Lea says some decent, if bland things about being in shape, moving more and honoring her body. She used to be a vegan, a diet she followed starting around 2010, when she lost a significant amount of weight while filming Glee, but she’s since re-added meat into her diet. Lea also isn’t humble when it comes to her body image, which I guess is refreshing considering that she could put herself down and say a bunch of things about how self conscious she is when that just isn’t true. At least she’s honest.
On gaining weight when she first did Glee
I had more time in my trailer, more time in my car, and less time walking around. That’s when I realized how important it was for me, personally, to include activities and movement in my daily life.
She’s very fit now
[I’m in] the best place I’ve ever been. If I can do it, an Italian girl from the Bronx? Are you kidding me? Anybody can do it.
She got in shape on the broadway show Spring Awakening in 2006
[Jonathan Groff and I] would even do bikram yoga in between shows sometimes. That’s when I realized ‘Oh, I’m actually kind of good at this.’ We’d rock it out on stage during the day, then go to class together, and it really built my confidence. My workouts have to be good for my soul as well. If my brain can’t get relaxed at the same time, then it’s not for me.
On getting through dark moments, like Cory Monteith’s death
You always have to have faith, because life is going to throw things at you. You have to trust that there is a plan. I really pride myself on the people I surround myself with and how I take care of myself, so my ground is table beneath me.
Her diet involves some meat and being persistent
[She eats meat] as long as it’s coming from good places. The best lesson I’ve ever learned is, Who cares if people [servers] think you’re annoying? Tell them to use less salt. Tell them to use less butter. The worse they can do is say no.
On wellness
It’s so important to do things for yourself – because the better you are, the better you can be for the people in your life. It’s so important for me to stress that being healthy is not about being a gym rat. It’s not about being 90 lbs. This is really how I live every single day.
[From People Magazine, Wellness issue, print edition]
That’s a dangerous attitude to have “if I can do it anyone can.” People are in different places in their lives, under all sorts of situations, and it sounds so elitist to either think that everyone has your advantages, or that your disadvantages were so extreme that your particular accomplishments can be achieved by anyone. Plus not everyone has the same goals, but this is Lea Michele she’s not really in touch with the rest of the world. I guess that’s the lesson of wellness though, put yourself and your needs first. (Not that wellness is selfish, just that it involves prioritizing yourself.) Lea likely never had an issue with that.
My favorite BTS shot from my @people mag shoot! ?
A photo posted by Lea Michele (@msleamichele) on Sep 6, 2016 at 12:19pm PDT
A photo posted by Lea Michele (@msleamichele) on Sep 2, 2016 at 10:05am PDT
Back on the bike at @soulcycle today! ?Thank you @shapewithangela for a fantastic class ?? and for helping me to start my 30’s on the right track! ? #thisis30
A photo posted by Lea Michele (@msleamichele) on Aug 30, 2016 at 4:10pm PDT
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