
A photo posted by Women’s Health Magazine (@womenshealthmag) on May 17, 2016 at 5:32am PDT

Olivia Munn covers Women’s Health in a tank top and her undies. Maybe it’s Photoshopping, but you can really see how much her face has changed lately, which she claims is due to makeup and the purple potatoes she eats. E! is running this story with the title that claiming Munn lost weight by following the same diet as Gisele Bundchen. That made me assume that Munn’s diet was as extreme as I’ve heard about Gisele’s, but Munn doesn’t talk about eliminating dairy, flour, sugar, etc. so it sounds more reasonable. She says she lost 12 pounds on an 80/20 diet. Here’s more of what she said:

“When I started on X-Men, I had been training and doing regular personal training and trying to eat in a healthy way,” Munn says. Losing weight was not the goal, but rather a byproduct of her desire to become healthier all around. “My intention was to just get as fit and as healthy as I could be, for myself…I started working out every single day, and then I also started getting into eating 20-80, where 80 percent of your diet is fruits and vegetables and 20 percent is whatever. So, that can be any kind of meats or breads or anything else, but mostly fruits and vegetables.”

Sound familiar? Those are the same dietary guidelines Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady follow. The 35-year-old supermodel and 38-year-old New England Patriots quarterback employ private chef Allen Campbell, who cooks organic, plant-based meals for their family. While Munn hasn’t gone to those lengths, she says, “The thing that I’ve kept up since X-Men is eating organically. That’s been a big part of, I think, feeling healthy, feeling fit, feeling clear. Knowing that you’re putting only clean foods into your body, that’s been a really important thing for me.” Munn’s personal trainer in Montreal also taught her how to make her own almond milk. “It’ll last me two or three days,” the actress explains. “I use that to make organic smoothies every morning.”

As if Munn needed any more motivation to be in the best shape of her life: Her X-Men: Apocalypse costume leaves little to the imagination. “Even though she’s always drawn in a sexual way, she always has substantive plotlines,” she says of Psylocke, a telekinetic mutant. “What she looked like became secondary because she was lethal. She is such a badass. And smart.” It’s the kind of role Munn had been gunning for, considering her other options. “They wanted me to play the girlfriend or the bad girl who takes another girl’s boyfriend away. But I didn’t want to do roles that only revolved around a man or were always in service of a man.”

[From E! Online]

Isn’t the 80/20 rule 80% whole, nutritious food and 20% other “cheat” food and not 80% fruit and vegetables? I like a big salad, but I don’t know if I could stomach 80% fruit and vegetables. How does that work exactly? I guess you would just be so full from all those veggies you wouldn’t have room for much more, but I also mean logistically, how would you measure it?

I have a feeling that X Men: Apocalypse is going to disappoint at the box office. It only has 50% on Rotten Tomatoes and I know there are people who will say that critics don’t matter but they do. People look up the ratings before they see a film and ticket sales depend on word of mouth. I doubt Psychlocke’s badassery is going to make much of a difference.

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Photos credit Women’s Health and Getty