Trump gives an Update on the Nation?s Coronavirus Testing

I miss so many things about OG Gawker, but one of the things I miss the most is their takedowns of Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan. Noonan was a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, and she fashioned a certain kind of columnist/politico profile for herself: the mean Republican lush, sitting in her Manhattan apartment, yearning for a time when there were fewer brown and Black people around. This is her brand and it’s awful. So, as you can imagine, Ol’ Peg had some thoughts about Kamala Harris, she of the Black and Indian heritage, who has the audacity to laugh and be loud. Can you even imagine??

Peggy Noonan keeping it normal and not prejudiced

— Dylan Scott (@dylanlscott) October 25, 2020

Wow, of all of the people in this campaign, it’s weird that Peggy Noonan thinks KAMALA is the one who seems “insubstantial” and “frivolous.” Not the game show host who whines constantly, doesn’t understand sarcasm, and repeatedly insists that he passed his cognitive tests. How dare a woman – much less a Black and Indian woman – show joy, or dance, or be LOUD.

Oh, in the same breath, Peggy was talking about Trump’s crowd sizes, completely shrugging off the fact that we’re in the middle of a damn pandemic??

I missed this earlier. Observe how Peggy Noonan refers to Kamala Harris dancing at her rallies – which makes her “insubstantial, frivolous,” while Trump, who has also been dancing at his rallies is…not.

— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) October 25, 2020

Kamala dancing and laughing in the rain:

This is the joy that so triggered Peggy Noonan that she wrote a column about how Senator Harris comes off as “insubstantial, frivolous.”

Black joy is something they feel the need to attack.

— African American Policy Forum (@AAPolicyForum) October 25, 2020

Photos courtesy of NBC News, Avalon Red, Backgrid.

Trump gives an Update on the Nation?s Coronavirus Testing
Ratcliffe Confirmation Hearing
Senate Business Meeting