I watched this Rachel Maddow segment last night and I almost covered it today – Maddow believes that Don Trump Jr. will be indicted very, very soon. [Towleroad]
Naomi Campbell & Liam Payne might be happening. So random. [Dlisted]
Give yourself a break if you can’t drop the last five pounds. [LaineyGossip]
I said this on the Gossip with Celebitchy podcast too – Richard E. Grant is living his best life during this Oscar season. [Pajiba]
There was better fashion at the SAG after-party. [Go Fug Yourself]
Louisiana women live in an abortion desert. [Jezebel]
Recap of Lindsay Lohan Beach Club. [Reality Tea]
I am here for a Broadway musical for Pearl Jam’s Ten. [The Blemish]
Oddsmakers believe Travis Scott will propose to Kylie Jenner at the Super Bowl. [Starcasm]

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