The thing about being a fan of Alec Baldwin’s history of impressions is that I know that his Donald Trump started out as his Robert DeNiro impression. That being said, Baldwin’s Trump impression is really, really good. Anyway, in the wake of the #TrumpTape, wherein Donald Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women back in 2005, SNL must have completely rewritten their Cold Open debate sketch so that it focus on Trump’s deplorableness. The result was a “breaking news” cut-in on the VP debate sketch so that Baldwin’s Trump could say “p-ssy” three times on air. Considering CNN was dropping the p-bomb every ten minutes on Friday night, I think SNL earned this.

It’s funny, but it’s mostly funny because of Kate McKinnon’s continued amazingness as Hillary Clinton. I could watch Kate-as-HRC drinking champagne from the bottle all night long. Also, Baldwin’s hand gestures are disgustingly perfect. *shiver*

Also, Lin-Manuel Miranda was last night’s host. Here’s his amazing opening monologue.

Perfect monologue is perfect. *kisses fingers*


Photos courtesy of SNL screencaps.