trump pelosi

Donald Trump posted the above image on his Twitter yesterday with the message “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” As you can see, the photo shows Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi literally standing up to the lunatic president and his henchmen. The backstory on all of this is… well, one of the worst and most remarkable days in politics. Donald Trump has left the Kurds to be slaughtered in Syria. He did this because he’s Putin’s puppet and Turkish president Erdo?an’s puppet. Yesterday, Speaker Pelosi oversaw a vote in the House condemning Trump’s pullout in Syria. The House condemnation passed with broad bipartisan support, 354-60.

Trump also gave an unhinged press conference where he slurred his words and claimed that the Kurds were “no angels.” He also basically repeated talking points from Putin, Assad and Erdogan. In addition to that, he passed out the letter he sent to Erdogan and no one – not the press, not Congressional Republicans, not Democratic leadership – could even believe that it was real. The letter is real. Trump sent it to Erdogan last week. Donald Trump is illiterate and profoundly stupid:

This is insane.

— Justin Amash (@justinamash) October 16, 2019

So that’s just some of the stuff that was leading into Trump’s meeting with Congressional leadership yesterday, late afternoon. By most accounts, the meeting started and Trump was already pissing in his pants because of the bipartisan House vote. As Speaker Pelosi was talking, he interrupted her, threw a tantrum and called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” Pelosi stood up, told him off and walked out. She told reporters outside of the White House that Trump had a “meltdown,” and “we have to pray for his health because this was a very serious meltdown.”

After Pelosi accused Trump of having a meltdown, he got on Twitter and accused Pelosi of having a “meltdown,” because he really is that f–king stupid. YOU’RE THE PUPPET! Remember that? He actually posted that photo as some kind of proof that Speaker Pelosi is NOT a badass.

Democrats Meet Reporters after Meeting Trump

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Trump’s Twitter.
Democrats Meet Reporters after Meeting Trump
trump pelosi
Trump and Mattarella of Italy Joint Press Conference