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Here are some photos of Tom Hiddleston supporting his friend (??) Gemma Arterton at the party for the Donmar Warehouse’s production of Saint Joan. My first instinct was “make a story about how Gemma and Tom are obviously crushing on each other.” Then I thought, “Wait, isn’t she married?” As it turns out, she got a divorce last year. She might be single right now. And Gemma plus Tom? I would be into that. I’ve always like Gemma – she seems very low-key, she turns in consistently good work and she’s not a famewhore. Which might be a problem, because I think Tom might only date famewhores at this point.

Anyway, it’s been a few weeks since we’ve had new Hiddles photos, so I just thought the Dragonflies would enjoy a little Hiddles Christmas present. We’ll probably be seeing him a lot in the new year – he’s been nominated for a Golden Globe (but not a SAG) for The Night Manager, and I believe he’ll probably be invited to be a presenter at the Oscars, especially considering that Kong: Skull Island comes out in March. MOAR HIDDLES!

Also: GQ is doing a poll for the “most stylish man of 2016” and it’s currently down to Roger Federer and Hiddles. Which is a joke. Federer is easily one of the most stylish men in the world, every single year. Hiddles wore an “I Heart T.S.” t-shirt. No contest.

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