miley-cyrusMiley Cyrus didn’t learn much from the Spanish national basketball team during the Beijing Olympics when their ad in a Spanish paper had all the players use their fingers to pull their eyes back to appear more Asian.  The tween star with the backing of Disney took some pictures with friends that resulted in some negative feedback from the Asian-American equality groups. After hearing that people were offended by the pictures, Miley stepped forward with one of the worst apologies ever.

“I’ve…been told there are some people upset about some pictures taken of me with friends making goofy faces!” Cyrus wrote, “well, I’m sorry if those people looked at those pics and took them wrong and out of context!”

Holy crap Miley way to bust out that heartfelt apology that will show the people you offended how bad you feel.  I am surprised she didn’t use the theory of “Hey, I have Asian friends! Seriously, my best friend is Asian and my cousin married one!”  Maybe next time she should speak with her PR team before releasing statements on her own.