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Charlize Theron tells Drew Barrymore that while she’s been on a few dates, but she hasn’t dated anyone in five years and she’s not really looking. If someone comes along, they’re going to have to really make a case of how they would improve her life because her life is pretty f-cking good right now …

Charlize Theron tells Drew Barrymore that while she’s been on a few dates, but she hasn’t dated anyone in five years and she’s not really looking. If someone comes along, they’re going to have to really make a case of how they would improve her life because her life is pretty f-cking good right now …

Charlize Theron tells Drew Barrymore that while she’s been on a few dates, but she hasn’t dated anyone in five years and she’s not really looking. If someone comes along, they’re going to have to really make a case of how they would improve her life because her life is pretty f-cking good right now …

Charlize Theron tells Drew Barrymore that while she’s been on a few dates, but she hasn’t dated anyone in five years and she’s not really looking. If someone comes along, they’re going to have to really make a case of how they would improve her life because her life is pretty f-cking good right now …

Imagine being told you “look like Gwyneth Paltrow on food stamps, and not in a good way” by your mother minutes after you walk into a sombre family event. Barely 30 seconds later, you unexpectedly spot your “sugar daddy” talking to your real father in the corner, lock eyes, and quickly realize it’s …

Imagine being told you “look like Gwyneth Paltrow on food stamps, and not in a good way” by your mother minutes after you walk into a sombre family event. Barely 30 seconds later, you unexpectedly spot your “sugar daddy” talking to your real father in the corner, lock eyes, and quickly realize it’s …

Imagine being told you “look like Gwyneth Paltrow on food stamps, and not in a good way” by your mother minutes after you walk into a sombre family event. Barely 30 seconds later, you unexpectedly spot your “sugar daddy” talking to your real father in the corner, lock eyes, and quickly realize it’s …

Another Round reunites the Danish dream-team behind The Hunt: writer/director Thomas Vinterberg, screenwriter Tobias Lindholm, and actors Thomas Bo Larsen and Mads Mikkelsen for a middle-aged drinking buddies tale. It follows Martin (Mikkelsen), Tommy (Larsen), Peter (Lars Ranthe), and Nikolaj (Magn…

Another Round reunites the Danish dream-team behind The Hunt: writer/director Thomas Vinterberg, screenwriter Tobias Lindholm, and actors Thomas Bo Larsen and Mads Mikkelsen for a middle-aged drinking buddies tale. It follows Martin (Mikkelsen), Tommy (Larsen), Peter (Lars Ranthe), and Nikolaj (Magn…

I have a major complaint about the controversial Netflix movie Cuties, which was originally called Mignonnes, and it has nothing to do with the online furor you’ve undoubtedly heard about. My issue? The performances in the English-dubbed version (which is what my Netflix account naturally defaulted …

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