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(Lainey: this post was written by Prem, our newest writer. If you missed his introduction, please revisit his first post from a few weeks ago. We are working on some upgrades to the site which is why Prem’s bio isn’t up yet. In the meantime, you can message Prem on Twitter @psramani95 or check out h…

(Lainey: this post was written by Prem, our newest writer. If you missed his introduction, please revisit his first post from a few weeks ago. We are working on some upgrades to the site which is why Prem’s bio isn’t up yet. In the meantime, you can message Prem on Twitter @psramani95 or check out h…

The Directors Guild of America announced their nominees today and Spike Lee is on the list – his FIRST ever DGA nomination. Which…probably isn’t a surprise considering Spike has never been nominated for Best Director at the Oscars and many of the members of the DGA are also members of the Academy….

It’s the beginning of 2019 – let’s check in on two Canadians and their love lives. Should we start with Joshua Jackson?

It was confirmed back in November that Joshua Jackson is dating Jodie-Turner Smith. Here they are out for dinner the other night. Then they went shopping. He sat and waited pat…

Celebrity Social Media, January 8, 2019

Jan 8, 2019 Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Who will scoop Fiji water woman up first, Ellen or Jimmy Kimmel?

There could be 100 Fiji waters on the red carpet… but it only takes one to quench your thirst pic.twitter.com/Z1GpKiI2w5
— Jamie McCarty (@JamieMcCarty) January 7, 2019

It’s incredible to me that some people in the comme…

Ethan Hawke was at the New York Film Critics Circle Awards last night to collect his award for Best Actor for his performance in First Reformed. He was also on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote the revival of Sam Shepard’s True West opening soon on Broadway and it happened to be the firs…

Queen arrival KL

Here’s a “special look” at Captain Marvel. [LaineyGossip]
Kendall Jenner’s brave admission is that she’s getting paid by Proactiv. [The Blemish]
90 Day Fiance is dealing with gun purchases, ugh. [Starcasm]
SCOTUS doesn’t care about Olivia de Havilland. [Dlisted]
Darren Criss had so much fun with his fashion during the awards season. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Who was your worst dressed of the Globes? [GoFugYourself]
Yes I plan to skip Donald Trump’s speech too. [Pajiba]
Debra Messing desperately wants a Golden Globe.[Seriously OMG]
Mike Pence is the presidential fetcher of Diet Coke. [Jezebel]

Queen arrival KL

When are we going to get a full-length trailer for Game of Thrones’ final six episodes? I suspect we’ll get the trailer when A) they’ve completely all the postproduction CGI (ICE DRAGONS) and B) when we actually have an air date confirmed. Can you believe we still don’t have an air date yet? UGH. Anyway, during the Golden Globes, HBO dropped this trailer for all of their new shows/movies, and it included new footage from GoT: Sansa coldly welcoming the Mother of Dragons to Winterfell.

I’m sure there will be drama, and I can’t wait for Jon Snow to see Bran at Winterfell and for Bran to be like “Bee Tee Doubs, you know that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was your daddy and you’re actually banging your aunt, right??” Maybe that’s why Sansa is wearing such a sourpuss too. I don’t know! I’m just ready to end this and find out what happened, and then curl into a ball and cry. Speaking of, the head honcho at HBO has seen ALL SIX EPISODES.

HBO chief Richard Plepler was in possession of the best cocktail party gossip of all on Sunday night at the cabler’s post-Golden Globes bash. But he wasn’t sharing — much. As Plepler held court in the main dining room, staying away from the light rain that fell in the outside area (the Hilton pool was covered for the occasion), he let it be known that he has seen rough cuts of all six episodes of the final season of “Game of Thrones.”

“It’s a spectacle. The guys have done six movies. The reaction I had while watching them was, ‘I’m watching a movie,’“ Plepler told Variety. Of showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, Plepler enthused: “They knew the bar was high. They’ve exceeded the bar. I’ve watched them twice without any CGI and I’m in awe. Everybody’s in for an extraordinary treat of storytelling and of magical, magical production.”

[From Variety]

If I spend six Sundays over the summer watching 90-100 minute GoT movies, I will actually be pretty happy with that. It will probably be the highlight of my summer. Be honest, you know everything will completely shut down when the final episodes begin to air. YAY.

Photos courtesy of HBO.
Queen arrival KL
Queen arrival KL

Syfy’s Deadly Class, of which Lana Condor is one of the stars, premieres next week. Lana’s been doing some press to promote the series and she was a presence at several events during Golden Globe weekend, now that she’s the star of one of the most watched and rewatched movies on Netflix of 2018 and …


My 14 year-old son has a Walkman he uses sometimes, thanks to Guardians of The Galaxy. He thought it looked cool so his dad gave him one from the 80s he’d saved. He also has a record player after my brother gave him a bunch of old records. So when Hailee Steinfeld, 22, asked John Cena, 41, in semi-seriousness what a mixtape was I was surprised. She said “what’s that?” but maybe she was clowning a little. She did seem very interested and like she was learning about it. They use tapes in the movie, which is set in the late 80s, so surely she knows about tapes but maybe didn’t know that we used to make mixes. In the 90s we would make mix CDs too! Here’s how that exchange between Hailee and John went. They were on the press junket for Bumblebee when it came up. This section is queued up in the video above:

I love that in your head it’s still the 80s
Cena: Of course, why not right?
Cassette tapes, sure
Cena: Cause you could make mix tapes. Making a mixtape was something really special
Steinfeld: What’s that
Cena: It was similar if you were to bestow on someone a playlist
Steinfeld: Ohhh
Cena: Like here are my favorite songs that remind me of emotional connection or times we spent together, but because it’s tangible you can then label the tape, it was an arts and crafts thing. Then the tape had a case so you can label… the side. It was a physical, tangible playlist.

I miss mix tapes! I wish I still had some, or at least the song lists, that boyfriends made for me and that I made for them. John and Hailee are so cute in this interview. I’m sure they had a ton more interviews to do that day and that it was somewhat of a pain, but they’re pros and they’re game for answering questions. They seem really comfortable together too. That’s not going to make me see Bumblebee but they don’t need my money to make a billion dollars. Oh this movie actually came out late last month in the US and the UK. Interesting as I either barely heard about it or ignored the press.


Photos credit: WENN

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