
I thought this was going to be an utterly garbage day, but it seems like there is one really nice piece of news. I was so scared when I saw that “Bob Dylan” was trending on Twitter, and I said a little prayer of “please don’t let him die, please don’t let him die” before I clicked. As it turns out, he was trending for the best reason: Bob Dylan has won the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature. Can you believe that??? Isn’t that amazing?

Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday. The music legend was cited for “having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.”

Dylan wrote some of the most influential songs of the 1960s. He will receive a prize of $927,740.

[From NBC News]

While it’s unusual – perhaps unprecedented? – for a songwriter to win the Nobel for Literature, think of it this way: he’s a poet. Perhaps he is one of the most famous and beloved American poets in history, right up there with Walt Whitman. Let’s spend the day listening to Bob Dylan recite and sing his best poetry!

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