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Several weeks ago, Saturday Night Live did an excellent skit about Ivanka Trump. SNL’s writers hit all of the sweet spots: Ivanka’s superficiality, her willingness and eagerness to profit from government service, her ability to put a glossy face on her father’s fascism, her lack of morals and her lack of ethics. The skit was a commercial for a fake Ivanka-branded perfume, “Complicit.” Here’s the skit:

It was brilliant on a lot of levels, and the “complicit” label has really stuck to Ivanka. So much so that the word “complicit” came up in Gayle King’s exclusive interview with Ivanka this week on CBS News. This was supposed to be a soft-focus interview about Ivanka’s big new role in the administration, where she will be “special assistant to the president.” When asked about whether she’s complicit in her father’s unhinged, dangerous and crazy policies, Ivanka showed that she doesn’t actually know what the word “complicit” means.

“If being complicit is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact, then I’m complicit. I don’t know that the critics who may say that of me, if they found themselves in this very unique and unprecedented situation that I am now in, would do any differently than I am doing. So I hope to make a positive impact. I don’t know what it means to be complicit, but you know, I hope time will prove that I have done a good job and much more importantly that my father’s administration is the success that I know it will be.”

[Via NY Mag]

So, there you go. From the horse’s mouth. “…Then I’m complicit.” Yes, we know. And I love Ivanka’s argument of “everybody would be doing what I’m doing!” No, girl. Many of us would have been out the door as soon as our father began sexually assaulting and harassing women right and left. Would it have been too much for Ivanka to look up the meaning of “complicit” before she sat down for this interview?

Here’s another clip where Gayle King asks Ivanka if she feels she should actually speak out about these issues she claims to care about so much. Ivanka actually says these words: “I would say not to conflate lack of public denouncement with silence.” So when she’s publicly silent, we shouldn’t say she’s publicly silent. Alternative facts much?

PREVIEW: @GayleKing sits down with First Daughter @IvankaTrump ahead on @CBSThisMorning. https://t.co/zZhwiAhix5 pic.twitter.com/XTJ3mufKde

— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) April 5, 2017

And finally, did you know that hundreds of LGBTQ activists have been doing protests outside of Ivanka’s rented DC home? It’s true. And this is how one of Ivanka’s neighbors reacted (yeah, all of Ivanka’s neighbors loathe her).

mood: the neighbor gleefully watching protestors outside of Ivanka Trump’s house pic.twitter.com/6UjZbSqcdg

— kexnda. (@fountaincamila) April 3, 2017

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