Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children

These are photos of Jennifer Garner arriving at church on Sunday separate from her likely no-longer-estranged husband, Ben Affleck, and their kids, who were there first. In the photos where her hair is dry, she’s leaving church with her daughters. Judging by Garner’s wet hair, she may have hit the gym or had a personal training session just prior to church and couldn’t be bothered (or didn’t have the time) to dry it. We’ve seen Jen out with wet hair before, it’s not new. It does seem a little bizarre to go to church with wet hair, but that’s her prerogative and it’s becoming more common to see people do this. I saw a college-aged woman out at a very nice restaurant the other night with wet hair. My girl Kaiser does this sometimes, as she lets her hair air dry and doesn’t own a dryer. (I think her hair is so healthy and thick due to genetics not just air drying, but that’s my jealousy speaking.)

As I’ve mentioned many times, I am the kind of person who puts makeup on, every day, without fail. I also either pull my hair back into a ponytail or blow it dry. I save time by only washing it every other day. Only twice in the past 15 years can I remember going out with wet hair and once was because the new spinning studio I tried didn’t have any hairdryers to use (they told me they were available before I took a shower!) and the other was when hairstylists at a new salon were trying to stealthily gossip about me, so I told them I didn’t want my hair done after all. I am all about doing my hair and makeup, it’s somewhat ritualistic at this point and I truly enjoy it. No judgment on women who don’t wear makeup or fuss with their hair! I admire that attitude and sometimes wish I could do this, I’m just too self conscious otherwise.

So what do these photos mean for Garner and Affleck’s relationship? We know he’s promoting Live by Night, which is out in limited release by the end of the year, and we know he’s gunning for more Oscar nominations. Along with that comes playing the family man, a role which often eludes him. Sometimes his professional life requires that he convincingly play that role, and that’s when his urges to self destruct aren’t quite as compelling, or he just gets better at hiding them. Garner has said she values family above all else and she continues to show that with her actions.

Thanks to The Daily Mail we know that the shoes Garner is wearing are Chloe brand and that they retail for $545. Just in case you have a lot of disposable income and are wondering where to get nondescript overpriced flats.

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children

Photos credit: FameFlynet