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QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene supported executing Democratic elected officials in social media posts. [Towleroad]
Can you believe Miranda Lambert & WhatsHisGuts have been married for two years? I didn’t think it would last. [Just Jared]
The Republican Party is the party of white supremacy. [Pajiba]
Mossimo Giannulli was denied early release from prison. [Dlisted]
Heidi Klum wears white in Germany. [Go Fug Yourself]
I’m surprised that I like Katie Holmes’ coat as much as I do. [LaineyGossip]
Regina King looks fabulous. Perfection. [RCFA]
I really enjoyed Katie Porter’s Vanity Fair interview. [Jezebel]
President Biden absolutely needs to pack the courts. [Buzzfeed]
OMG, these face filter fails are amazing!! [OMG Blog]
Bronson Pinchot suggests that instead of endless remakes, we should just watch the original shows or movies. [Seriously OMG]

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