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Shailene Woodley was with other protesters peacefully occupying land in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline after which she was arrested for criminal trespassing. Fortunately for us she filmed the entire event for Facebook Live, which we’ll discuss in a moment. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe suffered a blow in court on Sunday which went widely unnoticed by the media. A federal appeals court denied their request to extend an injunction preventing construction within 20 miles of Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Following that ruling, construction can continue in that area. It was my understanding that President Obama had blocked the pipeline temporarily, however that was just on federally owned land until more research could be done. The tribe vows to fight this latest ruling and continue their peaceful protest, which has been met with extreme military force including attack dogs and pepper spray.

After returning from a protest to her RV, where she was outside recording for Facebook and doing interviews, Shailene was arrested by police who came in an armored personnel carrier. There was also a helicopter flying around, but Shailene emphasized in the lead-up to her arrest that the protests went peacefully that day. The police arrested her but did not detain or arrest any other protesters from what we could see in the video. (E! reports that 26 other people were also arrested.) Here’s the video of Shailene’s arrest and I’ll include an overview below of what she said during her arrest in case you can’t listen to it. When she saw all the police coming she joked, “there’s some Divergent sh-t about to go down.” Also this video is longer than the one which is being shown on TMZ as it has her interviews ahead of the arrest, which happens around 8:00 in. She said that her mom is there and I think she’s the person recording later in the video. If you want to watch her full Facebook Live video, which is over two hours long and includes the protests, you can see it on Facebook. The video below is just the last 12 minutes of that video.

Here’s some of what Shailene said in the video if you can’t watch it:

Shailene: I don’t know if you guys just heard me, but I was just walking back to my RV, which is right there so that we can go back to camp peacefully and they grabbed me by my jacket and said that I wasn’t allowed to continue. And they had giant guns and batons and zip ties and they’re not letting me go.

Policeman: We can’t talk right here, but right now you’re going to be placed under arrest for criminal trespassing.

Shailene: Why am I being arrested and no one else is who was down there [protesting]?

Cops: We have word that you trespassed on the property so you’re being placed under arrest.

Shailene: Yeah but so did hundreds of people.

Cops: You were identified.

Shailene: Alright, I’m being arrested. I was trespassing like everyone else, but as soon as you guys asked me to leave, I left. I was down there with everyone else… it’s because I’m well known, it’s because I have 40,000 people watching.

Shailene [speaks to camera] So everybody knows…we were going to our vehicle which they had all surrounded and waiting for me with giant guns and a giant truck behind them just so they could arrest me. I hope you’re watching mainstream media.

[From Facebook via E!]

It’s nice that she says “well known” instead of “famous,” there’s something humble about that. You know what, I’m really glad they arrested Shailene. If she wasn’t arrested, I wouldn’t have gone to Facebook to see armed police surrounding peaceful protesters, and I wouldn’t have seen the incredibly lopsided, militarized response to people who have a right to protect their land and to question whether their water is going to be poisoned. (A pipeline leaked in Alabama last month, spilling 252,000 gallons of gasoline. Did you hear about it?) If they didn’t arrest her, the media might not have covered this so widely.

Shailene has since been released from Morton County Jail in North Dakota. Her publicist told E! “She appreciates the outpouring of support, not only for her, but more importantly, for the continued fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

We stand with Standing Rock. I donated to their cause some time ago and if you’d like to help you can donate here. You can also call your senators and congresspeople and urge them to help block the pipeline.

Also Shailene posted this Instagram of Bernie Sanders supporting the cause. Remember that he’s backing Hillary and that they’ve worked together on initiatives, including affordable education.

SO COOL! not too late to help support. Repost from @uptouscaravan – Look at who we found with our shirt! @SenSanders @BernieSanders is proudly standing with our native brothers and sisters from Standing Rock to stop the North Dakota Access Pipeline – help us raise funds to make sure people on the ground will be prepped for winter – get a shirt now! Http://bit.ly/StandwithStandingRockTee #NoDAPL #StandwithStandingRock #rezpectourwater #keepitintheground #UpToUs

A photo posted by Shailene Woodley (@shailenewoodley) on Oct 4, 2016 at 3:11pm PDT

from NY to ND, we as sisters stand together to protect clean water. let us bridge these divides. let us see beyond the illusions in front of us. let us create a world for our children that promises them rivers to swim in, oceans to explore, and lakes to float upon. #UpToUs #RezpectOurWater #NoDAPL #StandWithStandingRock #nodakotaaccess @bobbijean20 @byellowtail

A photo posted by Shailene Woodley (@shailenewoodley) on Sep 13, 2016 at 3:02pm PDT


photos credit: FameFlynet, WENN and Instagram/Shailene Woodley


Over the weekend, Rihanna posted an Instagram that read: “None of my exes are married or in happy relationships so it’s safe to say that I wasn’t da problem lol.” The IG was widely discussed and there were some theories about why Rihanna posted it when she’s supposedly in the midst of a full-blown relationship with Drake. Like, why is she keeping track of her exes? And is Drake telling Rihanna that she needs to change, that she’s “the problem”? Well, it didn’t take long for rumors to grow about the state of Rihanna and Drake’s relationship.

An insider tells E! News, “Rihanna and Drake are seeing other people at the moment. They are not exclusive anymore. They still love each other, but their schedules have gotten in the way.”

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s done for good. “Anything can change between them though, for better or worse,” the source adds. “They are still in each other’s lives.”

For now, Drake has seemingly found a distraction in someone else: India Love. A second source revealed, “Drake and India Love have been hooking up for at least a few weeks.”

Interestingly enough, India’s ex-boyfriend, Cliff Dixon, was rumored to have cheated on her with Rihanna. The insider tells us, “Drake could be hooking up with India Love now to piss off Rihanna, which has clearly worked.”

[From E! News]

Hm… either Drake knows how to get under Rihanna’s skin or Rihanna and Drake are both messy AF. Or both, probably. People Magazine heard E!’s story and they had some sources of their own, sources who claimed that Rihanna and Drake are still technically together “but it’s an open thing.” I’ll believe that too. It sounds more like Rihanna and Drake had a fight but not a breakup, and Drake was trying to get under Rihanna’s skin and make her jealous by going out with India Love. And then as soon as Rihanna decides that she wants Drake again, she’ll snap her fingers and he’ll drop India Love and go running back to Rih-Rih. Rinse and repeat.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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It’s truly not my intention to cover Donald Trump every single day from here to election day. But I think that’s going to happen regardless, just because the 24-hour news cycle cannot contain all of the insanity going on in this, the final month. FOUR WEEKS. That’s all we have left. Four weeks until election day and I find myself… disturbed by how many people are still falling back into false equivalencies. It’s one thing to support Donald Trump because you’re a racist misogynist too (birds of a feather). It’s quite another to think Trump and Hillary Clinton are equally terrible. No. They are not. One is an unhinged lunatic and sexual assailant. The other is a sane, steady workhorse who needs to clarify her positions on some issues. So here are some of the stories that I find interesting today:

The poll numbers. Not only did most instant-polls of Sunday’s debate show that HRC “won” the debate decisively, but now NBC News has a new poll where Hillary has a double-digit lead nationally. In a four-way race, HRC has 46% to Trump’s 35%. The numbers are even better when the third-candidates are taken out. Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight predictions now have HRC with a 82.9% chance at winning the election.

Exposing misogyny. Please read this truly excellent, thought-provoking and brilliant piece by NY Mag’s Rebecca Traister – go here. I’m not even going to summarize it, you just need to read it. It’s a must-read this week.

Paul Ryan is a sucky baby. Poor Speaker Ryan, he’s no longer “defending” Trump, except Speaker Ryan didn’t rescind his endorsement of Trump so what is the point? The point is that the GOP is in shambles and every Republican candidate for office needs to be asked if they support Donald Trump or any sexual predator holding higher office.

Gloria Allred is here. Allred is famous for signing on to represent women who have been mistreated, abused or worse by famous men. Allred says that women have been coming to her about Donald Trump. I’m sure there’s more to come in these final four weeks.

Mark Burnett is awful. It’s been said that Burnett has been holding back the outtakes from The Apprentice in which Trump harasses and degrades female contestants. Burnett says he doesn’t own the outtakes so it’s not up to him to release them. Guess we’ll have to wait for someone with a soul to “leak” them to the Washington Post again.

Athletes and locker room talk. This is one of my other favorite things this week: athletes coming out to slam this idea that Trump’s brags about sexual assault are somehow able to be dismissed as mere “locker room talk.” Trump said that in his first apology, and he said it again at the debate. Beyond the fact that Trump and Billy Bush were NOT IN A LOCKER ROOM, they were in a workplace, professional athletes have been coming out in droves to slam the idea that this is just how men talk to each other and brag about sexually assaulting women.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

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Modern feminists have embraced Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg so much over the past five years or so especially. She has been nicknamed The Notorious RBG for her decades of outstanding work on women’s rights, reproductive rights and civil rights. Some people believe that RBG should have retired under Pres. Obama’s presidency just because no one know when there would have been a better time for a Democratic president to nominate another liberal lion to the court. Of course, as we can see from Obama’s attempts to replace the late Justice Scalia, having a Dem president is no guarantee.

Anyway, RBG continues to not give a sh-t about much. She has a new book coming out called My Own Words, and she sat down with Katie Couric for an exclusive interview. Couric asked RBG about the Colin Kaepernick situation – where Kaepernick is now kneeling for the National Anthem to protest police violence – and RBG’s response was surprisingly… un-woke? Like, she didn’t put Kaepernick on blast, but she was complimentary either. Some highlights from the conversation:

On Kaepernick’s protest: “I think it’s really dumb of them. Would I arrest them for doing it? No. I think it’s dumb and disrespectful. I would have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. I think it’s a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn’t lock a person up for doing it. I would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act.”

Whether Kaepernick & others are within their rights: “Yes. If they want to be stupid, there’s no law that should be preventive. If they want to be arrogant, there’s no law that prevents them from that. What I would do is strongly take issue with the point of view that they are expressing when they do that.”

On the constitutionality of Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering America: “I think the question you ask is a question that could come before this court. I can’t answer a hypothetical question when it may turn into a real question. I can’t preview my decision…All I can say is I am sensitive to discrimination on any basis because I have experienced that upset. … I looked at that [“No Dogs Or Jews Allowed”] sign, and I said, ‘I am a Jew, but I’m an American, and Americans are not supposed to say such things.’ America is known as a country that welcomes people to its shores. All kinds of people. The image of the Statue of Liberty with Emma Lazarus’ famous poem. She lifts her lamp and welcomes people to the golden shore, where they will not experience prejudice because of the color of their skin, the religious faith that they follow.”

[From Yahoo]

RBG’s comments on Kaepernick are being called out-of-touch and dismissive, but… just to defend her, she was making a delineation between what she thought of the situation from a legal standpoint and what she thinks of it from a personal standpoint. Legally, Kaepernick has every right to say and do whatever he wants and RBG says as much. But personally, she thinks it’s stupid and wrong. Which is her choice too. I do think she sounds out-of-touch and dismissive here, but that’s the thing about Kaepernick’s protests: older people f—king hate the protests. It’s a massive generational thing. Younger people are more likely to say “stop and listen to what the protesters are saying” where older people (like RBG) are more likely to just wave off Kaepernick and give him a lecture about how it’s not the right time or forum.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.


This spring, Kate Winslet was in New York filming Collateral Beauty. Then in September, she was filming in New York again, this time being directed by Woody Allen. I’m mentioning this because Kate was photographed a lot on both sets, and there are consistent paparazzi photos of her throughout this year… but it doesn’t seem like she’s been photographed with her husband, Ned RocknRoll, since the SAG Awards back in January. Is this suspicious? We’ve heard for years that Ned is pretty much Kate’s house-husband, and he stays at home and raises the kids while she works. But before the past year, we would see Kate out and about with Ned at premieres, galas and so on every few months. So… is there trouble in paradise?

Third time just hasn’t been the charm for Kate Winslet. Sources tell Star the seven-time Oscar nominee’s marriage to Ned Rocknroll is on shaky ground as the pair approach their fourth anniversary.

“Ned is like a little kid, but Kate’s already got three,” spills a source close to the twice-divorced actress, 41. “Nowadays, when you ask Kate about Ned, she just sighs and says, ‘Sometimes I feel like he’s just along for the ride.’” And perhaps he is. Kate’s kept man, 38, allegedly quit his job as head of marketing promotion and astronaut experience at Virgin Galactic shortly after they wed!

Kate, however, has got her hands full. “She shoots two to three movies a year on top of taking care of Mia, Joe and Bear,” says the pal, leaving her little time to look after Ned too. “And when something’s got to give, it’s usually been her marriage.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

You’re trying to tell me that a grown-ass man who legally changed his name to “Ned RockNRoll” is an immature man-baby? NO. I DO NOT BELIEVE IT. I know a good number of people will say “it’s Star, so of course it’s bulls—t!” But it feels like there’s some kind of vein of truth here. It’s the weirdest thing. I do think Winslet is the kind of person who gets bored in relationships/marriages when everything becomes routine. I also imagine that’s compounded when she’s the sole breadwinner of the marriage. Plus, we rarely hear gossip about Winslet’s marriage, so when we do, I’m always like “Huh, someone might have a reliable source on this!” Maybe it’s nothing, who knows?

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Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN, Fame/Flynet.


As we learned on Sunday night – and discussed yesterday – Billy Bush has been suspended indefinitely from the Today Show following the release of that disgusting Trump Tape. I don’t even remember him moving from Access Hollywood to Today, but it happened and now here we are. NBC never misses an opportunity to employ men who are vile to and about women. What was interesting about the suspension announcement was that everything seemed very, very vague. NBC didn’t even say that they were conducting some kind of in-house review or investigation, and it’s totally possible that Bush’s suspension will be over as soon as the election is over. But! It seems like Billy Bush wasn’t that popular anyway and now all of the women of NBC News are actively hoping he gets sh-tcanned.

The Today show has been rocked by the recent Billy Bush/Donald Trump controversy. A source tells PEOPLE the atmosphere around set Monday morning feels “surreal” after Bush’s suspension following the leak of a tape in which the star made lewd comments about women while filming a segment with Trump for Access Hollywood in 2005.

The source says there are lots of “gossipy conversations” about Bush flying around set of the NBC talk show, and that the prevailing attitude is that they don’t want him to come back, especially the women. According to the insider, Bush, 44, “hasn’t really endeared himself to the rest of the cast and crew anyway, so they’re fine with him leaving, if that’s what the decision is.”

“Ever since [Ryan] Lochte, a lot of people have thought that he was a liability anyway,” says the insider. “Tamron [Hall] doesn’t like him and they have always been uncomfortable around each other. Al [Roker] doesn’t speak to him, like at all. There is no love lost there. Matt [Lauer] is okay with him, not friends, but okay. He doesn’t have much of a relationship with Savannah [Guthrie]. So it won’t be a loss to any of them personally if he doesn’t come back.”

“The network and producers are going to have to decide if he’s such a liability that they have to take stronger action,” adds the source. “Does anyone tune in to Today to watch Billy? Probably not really. So if he leaves, it’s not a big deal.”

And while the source says they would hate to see Bush fired for something he said 11 years ago, this is “more than that.”

“The feeling is, ‘Is he so compromised that he can’t be a neutral journalist? Can people see him as being a professional?’ ” says the source. “It really seems like it’s time for him to go. We’re all waiting to see what happens.”

[From People]

“Is he so compromised that he can’t be a neutral journalist?” Um, did anyone think of him as a journalist anyway? I realize Today falls under the NBC News division, but let’s not mistake Billy Bush for a real journalist. As for Tamron Hall, Al Roker and Savannah Guthrie not really liking him… do they want a cookie? I don’t get it. Why the bitchy Mean Girl act? Why does every story about Today’s journalists sound like the mutterings of a middle school cafeteria? As for the corporate whatever of NBC… yeah, just fire him, for the love of God. If you can sh-tcan Ann Curry over next to nothing, you can surely fire Billy Bush FOR CAUSE. And make no mistake, Billy Bush will “fall up.” If and when he’s fired from NBC, he’ll get tons of job offers and he’ll probably find a home at Fox News. Oh, and Us Weekly has a source claiming that “Tamron Hall, Matt Lauer and Al Roker strongly dislike Bush.” Whatever.

People Mag has another story about how Bush is devastated and he feels like someone at NBC has it out for him. Bush also hoped that the tape would be released with his voice edited out, which might be an explanation for why NBC was sitting on the video for four days before someone leaked it to the Washington Post. That’s the part that interests me way more than the “woe is Billy Bush” aspect of this story – who leaked the tape to WaPo and why? Why did NBC sit on the tape?

Here’s Billy with two of his daughters:

Photos courtesy of WENN.


I missed these photos yesterday, so I’m sorry about that. Lupita Nyong’o attended the BFI London Film Festival premiere of Queen of Katwe and her head-wrap game continues unabated. Lupita looked… amazing. Striking. Fantastic. Her ensemble, from head wrap to pants, is by Rosie Assoulin. Lupita was recently asked why she’s been wearing so many head wraps over the past several months, and her response was classic:

If you’ve seen a photo of Lupita Nyong’o on the red carpet recently, you would have noticed she has introduced a new element to her elaborate ensembles: A head wrap. The actress, 33, has worn them all throughout her press tour for her Uganda-set film Queen of Katwe, and it’s a look that means a lot to her, the star tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue.

“Going with the theme of the movie, they are my crowns,” says the star. “It’s the quintessential African accessory,” she says of the look, noting that she loves to research different styles on Pinterest.

[From People]

“They are my crowns” – I love that. QUEEN! Incidentally, Lupita also covers Elle Magazine’s Women in Hollywood issue (there are multiple covers, which you can see here). She told the magazine:

On her success, despite an agent telling her that her skin was “too dark for African television”:
“I grew up with a very limited mirror of myself. I watched a lot of TV, but the people on it were always light skinned. And now I have a platform that takes me into people’s houses and onto the pages of their magazines.”

[From Elle]

That’s what I love about Lupita and what she represents for women. It’s not just that she’s a dark-skinned woman actively hoping to inspire women of color. It’s that she owns who she is so completely, inside and out, and you can feel her self-love radiate. Why not wear a crown? Why not be a queen? Why not declare yourself empress of the world?


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Bush lead singer Gavin Rossdale would like everyone to find something else to talk about. He gave an interview to The Sunday Times Style Magazine saying that he is fed up with people talking about his split with ex-wife Gwen Stefani. Gavin recently got a mentor gig at The Voice UK, which in itself invites comparisons to his wife’s same position on the US version. But he says enough’s enough and thinks we should all just move on. I mean, after all – he has.

Gavin Rossdale says it’s time to ‘move on’ from his marriage breakdown

The 50-year-old Bush frontman split from Gwen Stefani last year amid claims he was unfaithful with their children’s 24-year-old nanny, Mindy Mann, but Gavin says it is time to put all that in the past.

‘It’s, like, enough already. I’ve got to move on. Everyone has got to move on,’ he said in an interview published by British newspaper The Sunday Times Style Magazine on Sunday.

‘For me, it’s just thinking about the boys and how to prioritise them. That’s the driving force behind everything. You just have to … I don’t know. Somehow you have to put one foot after the other and make it happen.

‘I have an incredible life with them, and that’s what matters. You can’t keep up with all the vitriol. Just don’t get into all that.

‘[I like Twitter] and I want to be active, but it’s a case of not worrying about the miscellaneous 15-year-old from Ohio with an opinion. It doesn’t matter.’

The rocker also insisted he wants his and Gwen’s sons – Kingston, 10, Zuma, eight, and Apollo, two – to be ‘better versions’ of him.

He said: ‘They’re the guys – they’re my replacements. The better versions of me. I’m going to try and take all the things I’ve ever done wrong and keep them away from that.’

Gwen, 47, was a mentor on the US version of The Voice and Gavin recently signed up to take part in The Voice UK but he didn’t get any tips from her.

When asked if she has been supportive, he said: ‘You know… We just… It’s really about focusing on the kids. That’s our thing.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I’m reading this as he wants us all to drop it to protect his kids. That’s admirable but also extremely convenient. Plus, he’s kidding himself if he thinks they were kept away from a three-year affair with their nanny – kids know what’s up. Why not truly let them learn from your mistakes and stop trying to sweep them under the rug? One child that can’t be sheltered from Gavin’s bad behavior is his 27-year-old daughter, Daisy Lowe. Fortunately, Daisy is a very forgiving soul, having forgiven Gavin for refusing to take a paternity test initially. Gavin and Daisy have formed a close bond and Gavin said he is really excited to be in such close proximity to his Strictly Come Dancing contestant daughter on his new set of The Voice UK.

One thing Gavin doesn’t have to worry about is people talking about Gwen’s rumored pregnancy with love-of-the-moment Blake Shelton. According to Gossip Cop, those rumors are decidedly not true. And there is no wedding as far as we know either. Wonder what happened to those plans.

Gavin and a Pom pup. I might be bribed to move on with a Pom pup



Photo credit: Fame/Flynet Photos


Carrie Underwood covers the November issue of Redbook and while her overall look is usually very “done” I like that it’s accessible and pretty. They put her in clothing that I might wear, and I’m going to steal that idea of pairing a denim shirt with a girly skirt. Also, they get a lot of points for getting her to pose with her adorable dogs. In the interview, Carrie talks about whether she’ll have another child (it sounds like she’s trying), being a mom to Isaiah, now 19 months old, and mom guilt at having to tour and raise a kid at the same time. She has a nanny and she sounds guilty about that too, which is understandable but a lot of working moms have help there’s no shame in it.

How her onstage persona “Carrie Underwood” differs from the real “Carrie”:
“I love being onstage, but that’s different. That’s not Carrie. That’s Carrie Underwood. The rest of my life I feel like I’m incredibly disappointing to people. Like if I run into someone at the grocery store, I really don’t know what to say because I don’t have a microphone in my hand or bling on. They expect me to be ‘Carrie Underwood,’ but I’m just Carrie. I’m sorry!”

On having a second child with her husband, NHL star Mike Fisher:
“If my husband were at the beginning of his career, I’m not sure we could handle it. Since he’s kind of nearing the end and won’t be traveling so much, we’re like, “We can figure it out for not that long.” You make it work. When I was pregnant, I thought, How am I going to go on the road? How am I going to keep doing my job? I had to just give it to God and stop worrying about it. Sure enough, we figured it out.”

How online bullying has changed the way she uses social media:
“I feel like bullies have changed the way I react to the world. You want to be connected to your fans, and I used to feel like I could go through social media and talk to people, really have that communication. But you get to a point where there are too many mean people saying mean things— probably just to get a reaction from you—and eventually I was like, “I don’t know if I can do this.” You have to have a barrier up, which is sad.”

Her advice for working mothers:
“Ask for help. Accepting help is hard for me, but I’m learning. Sometimes I feel guilty that this is my son’s life: We live on a bus and we’re in a hotel room and sometimes we’re in the middle of nowhere and it’s not so great. It’s not all glamorous. We have a nanny who helps out, especially when we’re on the road. But I’d feel guilty asking someone to watch him at home while I run to the grocery store.”

How having her son, Isaiah, has changed her as a person:
“I definitely feel like it’s changed me as a person. I’m happier. I’m in a better mood a lot of the time. He’ll be watching cartoons and I’ll be watching him. I’m completely in love. I love it when he’s sleepy and I get to hold him and smell him. He doesn’t know I’m staring at him and being all googly-eyed!”

[From Redbook]

It bugs when singers have stage names for their performing personas, but I’ve never been in that position so I can’t understand the pressure they’re under. As for online bullies, I strongly feel that all social media platforms should have the type of controls that Facebook does so that you can ban and block people without others seeing their comments on your account or page. Twitter’s platform doesn’t lend itself to that unfortunately so people can talk smack and say horrible things and you just block them so you don’t see them. It’s not very effective.

Also, I’m surprised that Carrie wants another child at this point. She said for years that she was waiting to have kids because she was focused on her career, but it sounds like she’s experience motherhood, loves it and knows how to make it work, guilt aside. I still feel guilt that I have to work at night sometimes and can’t devote more time to my son. It’s always a balance.

I call this photo: Sesame OD #sesameplace

A photo posted by Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) on Oct 1, 2016 at 10:10am PDT


Last year, Shia LaBeouf allegedly got into a physical altercation with his girlfriend, Mia Goth, while they were in Germany. They had been drinking – or perhaps only Shia was drinking – and as they left a German bar, they began to have a verbal argument which escalated into a physical fight. Reportedly, Mia had a black eye the next day. Shia also admitted to getting physical with Mia in a video made right after the incident – Shia basically blamed Mia for the incident, saying she provoked him. It was a really disturbing incident and many of us hoped that Mia would bolt. She did not. Within days, it seemed, Mia and Shia were back together. While they don’t get photographed as consistently as they used to, I’m pretty sure they’ve been together this whole time. And now it seems like they got married. They eloped in Las Vegas. Always a good sign.

Shia LaBeouf tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend, Mia Goth, in a Las Vegas ceremony that was NOT traditional … TMZ has learned. The couple got hitched at Viva Las Vegas, a chapel known for themed weddings. Some of the options include Elvis and Alice Cooper packages, or the more generic gangster and gladiator themes… looks like they went with the Elvis and Hawaiian themes.

They also offer traditional weddings, but no one would expect that from a guy who watches marathon sets of his own films … for the sake of art. Shia and Mia started dating in 2012, after meeting on the set of “Nymphomaniac: Volume II.” They made headlines for a public fight in Germany in July of 2015. Goth was seen wearing an engagement ring back in March.

Mia hitched a ride with Elvis in a pink Cadillac to the ceremony, and from the sound of it, planning the wedding was a lot easier than the honeymoon…

[From TMZ]

I’m including the TMZ video of Mia heading to the chapel, being driven by Elvis. Here’s the thing: I’m not judgy about elopements. I’m missing the bride gene too, and the thought of planning a wedding makes me break out in hives. I get it. Why not elope? But with Shia and Mia… it just feels like they make very bad decisions separately and together. This will end in heartbreak… or worse.

Also, her voice is super-annoying. I feel like she could play one of the women in Charles Manson’s “family.”

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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